Author: seoadmin

Heart Bypass surgery, also known as Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, or CABG, is a medical procedure conducted to restore the flow of blood to the heart when coronary arteries are blocked or damaged. Finding the best CABG hospital in Mumbai can also be a challenge. The CABG surgery restores the blood flow in the blocked arteries by utilizing healthy blood vessels that are taken from other body parts, such as the legs or chest. The main goal of the CABG surgery is to restore blood flow in the arteries, thus restoring proper blood supply to the heart. During the surgery,…

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Knee arthroplasty, also known as knee replacement surgery, is a procedure to cure knee pain and improve the joint functions of the knee. Patients diagnosed with joint complications such as arthiritis, knee injury, or other complex knee conditions are recommended for knee replacement surgery, or knee athroplasty. During this medical surgery, a prosthetic implant made of plastic or metal is implanted to replace your damaged knee joints. This implanted joint mimics the natural movement of the knee, which helps patients regain mobility and reduce pain. This particular surgery has improved the lives of many patients, providing them with long term…

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Precutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), popularly known as coronary angioplasty, is a procedure that treats coronary artery disease. A catheter is inserted with a deflated balloon at its tip, into the narrowed coronary artery. Once the catheter is at the point of the blocked artery, the balloon is inflated. This process compresses the plaque buildup and widens the artery, which helps restore blood flow to the heart. A stent is often used to keep the coronary artery open. Finally,  this minimally invasive procedure can help improve the symptoms of chest pain, reduce the risk of a sudden heart attack, and improve…

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